Your Local Boat Hardstand in the Whitsunday Region

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Leveraging Efficient Boat Lifting Facilities

Are you searching for a boat hardstand in the Whitsunday Region?
Need a safe, convenient option for boat
storage and maintenance

Be sure to reach out to Edge's Boatyard. Conveniently located in Jubilee Pocket, we can lift and store boats up to 70 feet in length and up to 35 tonnes.

In our hardstand area, we offer everything from high-pressure water blasting to meticulous repairs and Anti foul.

 Forklift hire is available for your convenience. Our marine experts bring decades of industry experience to every job. They will make sure your vessel is afforded the highest degree of safety. Whether you need a recreational or commercial boat hauled, we will raise the bar for you.

Contact Edge's Boatyard today to book a service. You can reach us at (07) 4948 2607. We service clients throughout Airlie Beach and the wider Whitsunday Region.

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Our Boat Haul-Out Services

At Edge’s Boatyard, we provide a smooth and efficient haul out service to ensure your boat is securely lifted and placed on our hardstand. Our process ensures your vessel is safely handled for repairs, inspections or maintenance.

We now have a 50-tonne Mega Marine Forklift available to haul out catamarans, engineer-certified to carry up to six tonnes and lift beams up to 30 feet. This equipment enhances our ability to handle larger vessels.

Our haul-out process includes:

  1. Booking Process: Length, Beam, draft of your vessel and correspondence with our staff.
  2. Initial Assessment: Arrive at the boatyard via trailer, water or boat transport.
  3. Secure Lifting: Our team carefully lifts your vessel using equipment designed for boats up to 70 feet and 35 tonnes.
  4. Pressure Wash: We perform a thorough pressure wash to remove any marine growth.
  5. Inspection & Repairs: Our contractors can conduct any necessary inspections or repairs while your boat is safely on the hardstand.
  6. Return to Water: After services are completed, we carefully lower your boat back into the water, ensuring a smooth launch.

With our marine repair and maintenance professionals on the job, you can enjoy total peace of mind. Contact us today to book a service.

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